Sunday, September 17, 2017

Speaking On Behalf of the President of the KI77 Army

Hi everybody!!! It's the President of the KI77 Army spokesdummy, talking to you about brain washing.  I'm doing it to you as you are reading this. OK, you can go back to what you were doing.  But just a quick reminder that Kiss has no choice but to do a full reunion ALBUM after we published our reunion album propaganda, which I, uh, we wrote without help from you. But you are dangerously close to coming to our way of thinking, and leaving the Dark Side. Join The Force and the Rebellion.  This includes Paul and Gene who are coming out of the fog. Stick out your tongue, Gene!

And stop thinking in a lineup box.  Don't fire anybody this time.  Have some class!
Call Vinnie, Bruce, Bob, and Anton. Do what we say!

"Rise to It" guys!

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